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WeFlex has been listed in the FEBE Growth 100 for the 3rd year in a row!

FEBE Growth 100

We are very happy to announce that we have been listed in the FEBE Growth 100 for the 3rd year in a row!

This list presents the 100 fastest-growing, founder-led, privately owned businesses in the UK. John Maffioli, FEBE co-founder, said: "The FEBE Growth 100 is where you'll find some of the country’s most talented entrepreneurs, most exciting companies and incredible teams."

Year-on-year we are climbing the ranks. In 2022, we were 92nd, last year we were 78th, and now we are 43rd. A big well done to everyone at WeFlex, and thank you FEBE Growth 100 for including us again. 

Take a look here:

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